Hi, my name is Reba, and I have been a cruise travel agent for over 20 years in The Woodlands, Texas. After completing my undergrad and graduate degrees, I worked for an oil company in Houston for 18 years and during that time married an airline pilot. Our love for travel has been a major part of our life, and cruising quickly became our favorite vacation. We have seen most of the world from a cruise ship and our children were practically raised on one….both were platinum on one cruise line before they were teenagers.
Over the years, I have worked as a customer service agent with a large container shipping company and for Continental Airlines, both opportunities taught me the value of good customer service. I began working as a travel agent when I realized that having traveled the world as a non-rev, I had a wealth of knowledge to share with other airline non-revs and could offer advice and assistance based on my vast cruising experience. My husband is now a retired pilot, and we cruise between 2-5 times a year and have taken over 70 cruises. I have traveled with almost every major cruise line including river cruises, and I would love to offer my expertise to help you plan a wonderful cruise vacation.
I am available pretty much 24/7 (even when I’m on a cruise ship) and pride myself on quick response and outstanding individual customer service. Please contact me about your future cruise plans and know that I am here for you!